So I'm officially half way through P90X3! Woohoo! Silver star to me :) Lessons learned this week -- doing The Warrior and MMX on the same day is a horrible life choice. Just trust me on that one.
I also managed to scrunch my spine in today's workout -- no idea how as wasn't doing anything that should even have the potential for that, but ow... Was okay most of the day but now just ow :( Hoping it doesn't stay hurt for too long, but worst case I'm on vacation the week before xmas and can go visit chiro if I have to.
At half way through I'm liking the change in my strength, but cardio and weight not so much. I think I'm going to have to suck it up and start running again. Much as I dislike running, it really does have the fastest and best result of any exercise I've ever done. I just hope the weather holds a few more weeks... I suspect once I drop said pounds, maintaining with a P90X type program will be np at all. Mostly though, I'm liking the fact that I'm getting into the habit of exercise again. Having something specific to do every day that only takes 30 mins makes it a lot easier to regain that habit.
Now the interesting challenge will be continuing through the holidays ;) The exercise part will be no challenge since I'm off work, so that buys me some time. But the food part.... hmmmmm
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