Here there be dragons...

"I'm telling you stories. Trust me." - Winterson

The hardest part about learning handstands is the ground

So of all the things I learned growing up riding horses, it would *never* have occurred to me that a disproportionate lack of concern for falling would be a benefit?!?!

😂 if you’re going to ride, you’re going to fall. People fall at the Olympics and the World Equestrian Games — ie the best riders in the world.

I hit the ground the hardest yet in my handstand practice today - hard enough I actually bounced.  I swore, rolled my eyes, got up, and did better on the next try.  Because really, that’s how I’ve been conditioned to respond to temporary gravity increases.  And comparatively - falling out of a handstand (esp w no momentum whatsoever since part of the intent of this game is strength building) is highly unlikely to ever be as impactful as falling off even the smallest pony.  However, it IS far more likely to be on a solid surface (today was on our deck).

lol in transparency, this one was not today
but it made for a way funnier photo ;)

That being said, I'm pretty sure that tomorrow, middle-age-me will hurt far more from my accidental seat on the deck while exercising today, than teenage or twenties me would've had from being legitimately *launched* from a 16hh horse.   Cause, well, there's a reason people complain about aging.   Of course, ironically the reason I'm doing things now that generally make me sore the next day is so I'll be *less* sore forty years from now ;)   Time will tell...

As to the handstands themselves?  I'm getting better at finding the balance and my strength and flexibility are improving noticeably - HOWEVER, alas, my ability to stabilise and hold it for any *longer* is not improving.  Which is super frustrating.   But I will keep at it and see if - like with so many things - the consistent practice on a plateau eventually leads to jumping to the next level?   Here's hoping anyways.  My focus r/n is on improving core strength and shoulder flexibility, so the handstand learning exercises are secondary (although the handstand practice itself is still happening every exercise day).   I will likely circle back after this 6-week program and give the handstand program another serious go to see if I can apply more and am strong enough to do all the exercises.

Choose your own adventure - language learning style

Choose your own adventure language learning
Link here

So one of the Spanish learning programs I like focuses on teaching language through natural learning - stories mostly.  Which, let's be honest, as one who reads a LOT, books written for language-learners generally suck.   Mostly because they're written by people who know what grammar/vocabularly is "allowed" at whatever level, not people who are good writers or story tellers *sigh*.   BUT, if they're even vaguely capable, it's still more fun than endless grammar drills.   Anyways, a few days ago this one was released that is exactly level-appropriate for me and I have to admit, I kinda love it.  Not only is there the nostalgia factor, but you’re engaged in the material because you are impacting the outcome.  AND you’re likely to reread sections if, like me, you don’t particularly like the results of your first choice ;).  Let’s be honest, choose your own adventure is a great chance to live out “well I would’ve liked to have done X, but I wouldn’t have dared” - lol suffice to say in this particular adventure X got me fired pretty quickly so prob just as well it wasn’t my real-life choice ;)

But yeah, having way more fun w an otherwise average story than I would’ve expected so win on that.   And also - I had to go look - for the record, choose your own adventure books DO still exist 😂.