I am still very much enjoying it, but it’s being held back by two very strong forces:
- It’s an indoor toy and it’s one of the few lovely months of the year, so I want to be outside
- I’m a beginner and beginner music is boring ;)
It actually didn’t end up being either of the ones I would’ve expected but okay. Still all good. My feasibility scale was based on:
- Is the tempo slow enough that I have a chance of ever playing it at speed?
- How much of it can I already play from having learned an easier version that was smart enough to use similar patterns to the real thing?
- How much musical theory is there that I have never seen before?
- Are there any parts I looked at and went wtf, how is that even possible?
Musical notation there are two sections that I have no idea what they mean. I’m reasonably certain FB will provide an answer. One I figured out by context - I know the song and you can watch a person play it on the app so I figured it out, even though I don’t actually get it (aka if I didn’t know how it was supposed to go, there’s no way I’d know to make it happen). The second one I have no idea but have deemed it mildly irrelevant atm ;)
This is way better than the half a dozen in the other songs I wanted ;-P
Then there’s capability. Almost all of it, I’m confident I could get to. Except - there’s one part with THREE four-note cords in a row. Plus side, I can at least reach all the notes. Down side, neither my sheet reading nor my playing capabilities are at the point where I can hit that many keys simultaneously with any sort of accuracy or rhythm.
So yeah. In over my head? For sure. Harming anyone? Nope. And we all know I do better with the almost impossible challenge, so this is the approach for now.
If things go well, I will likely attempt to find a teacher (not so easy out here) when the weather turns. I *may* even have figured out this one song by then lol. Wish me luck!
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