So dance was a riot tonight. Tonight was w partner and C was more on than I was lol. They also had us switch partners??? That was definitely interesting and moderately useful. Both J and I said it gave us a new appreciation for our partners ;). Although it only just occurred to me now that neither the boys agreed. Hmmm ah well ;)
Learning a new turn today and was a little more of a challenge because this coach doesn’t generally demonstrate the footwork for the women. And when he takes a partner, it’s another student so highly unlikely they’ll get it exactly correct. So I knew it wasn’t working but wasn’t till right at the end of the class that I figured out why. Ah well - C had his part down at least ;). And J had the exact same challenge I did so I feel like I wasn’t alone. Fun though - amazing how much more you feel like you’re actually dancing when you can move around outside the beginner square ;)
Was a very long day, but that was a fun way to end it :)
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