Agility day proved to be the first video that requires a fair amount of space to execute -- sadly on the one day that I don't have any space to work with *sigh* Other than that, it was okay. I'm still pretty sore from Wednesday's adventure but it wasn't brutal. Cardio. Sweaty, excessive cardio. But mostly reasonable with a focus on co-ordination and leg strength.
Of course in every video there seems to be a requirement for at least one move I don't have a hope of managing. This one was the plio-push-up. Yeah, for those not in the know... You do a push-up and on the the up phase you levitate all four limbs up in the air. Right. I got *maybe* an inch off the ground and could repeat it all of about twice. They were doing multiples and moving sideways at the same time. Right. Maybe next week ;)
The word of the week is tired. I am completely and totally exhausted. Never would have believed it from 1/2h a day... I'm also ridiculously thirsty -- which is probably for the best. I'm usually not good about drinking enough water but this week I've been causing a town drought.
Tomorrow is either Dynamix (apparently stretching) or rest. Rest sound like a fairly awesome idea, but part of me realizes if I don't stretch tomorrow, Monday will be even more brutal.
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