Let's talk agility. It would seem that despite excessive amounts of agile training, I have none ;-P. Lol okay those may be two different takes on the word, but still. It would be nice if they aligned.
So Nicole and I are into week two of Core de Force. And we've chosen the "deluxe" version because, why not ;). Said deluxe version has several videos, mostly agility related, that aren't in the original selection and I've never done before.
Week one went reasonably well. All the cardio was a bit of a shock to the system but my arms and legs are missing the weights. All good - I'll do the month and then throw in another "hard labour" week. In week one there was an agility video which used a ladder -- which I don't have. Not a ladder you climb, rather one that lies on the ground and you step in and out of. So I did the exercise without and then hit up Amazon. All good right?
Suffice to say I do not look like this. But it does show part of the ladder ;) |
Then today's workout. Ah today's workout. First sign -- only six rounds. Most are nine; I seem to remember some of the later ones are 12. So seeing six, it isn't a "yeah this'll be easy" sign. No. Not new. It's like walking into a jump lesson and seeing all the fences set at 2' -- you know the exercise will be nearly impossible.
But it gives me a chance to use my shiny new ladder, so that's exciting. And this is where I learned I cannot, for the life of me, hop or jump backwards. Lol apparently not a required skill in my world. Because in the backwards exercises -- I wasn't even *close* to making it from one rung of the ladder to the next. Nope, I moved maybe an inch? It was really quite sad. And frustrating.
Some of the ladder exercises were super fun, and I was so entertained by them I didn't really notice how gross the puddle of sweat by my feet was becoming. But the stupid hopping backwards *sigh*. And the one with the twisty hips??? Honestly, I suspect I look very much like a drunk angry squirrel *sigh*.
You can find anything on Google ;) |
While I sometimes wish there was a mirror in our workout area so I could see what I'm doing, in the agility routines I'm very glad there is not. In my imagination I'm a fighting machine! Lol I don't want to ruin that with reality.
Reality check ;) |
Overall though, I'm really enjoying this series. Lots of variety, the exercises move quickly, and many of them are entertaining. I am missing the weights (who knew?) but I certainly still feel like I'm getting decent workouts. And having a workout buddy is awesome!