So Sienna went to her first HT on Sat. Full story is on the Graduate Riding School blog; short version is I rode horribly and she was a superstar. hahaha ended in 6th place (pink - ugh) -- more cause other people did really poorly then cause we did particularly well, but still I was very proud of her. She got a bag of apples as a prize... And it turns out she doesn't *like* apples. Only I would have a horse who doesn't like apples. Sheesh. Was an amazingly gorgeous day though, and I got to socialize for a while with friends I don't get to see anymore so that was good :)
On Sunday I ventured to hunter land. And yes I've heard the skating in Hell is good this wk :) One student who's a regular of mine and two occasionals that I picked up at the show. All three did really well. And while I had a good time while I was there (cause let's be honest, I *like* coaching @ shows!) I was definitely ready for it to be done by the end. Now some of that could've been cause I was still not feeling particularly well from Sat but really I think it was just that outside-diagonal-outside-diagonal can only be interesting for so long. Sorry hunter world, just my opinion of course, but I've yet to be proven wrong! Again, full story on GRS blog.
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