*stolen from GRS blog*
Ok so there aren't too many days that I really don't want to teach, but every once in a while they happen. For instance -- first day back at work after a vacation, temp in the -15 range, no sleep the night before, no time for dinner, and horses that have had a wk off and will be spun, with students who aren't necessarily up for the challenge of a fresh horse on the best of days AND who haven't ridden in two weeks. So starving, tired and bitterly cold with the promise of disastrous lessons. Teaching, theoretically of course, may not be high on my priority list.
Except that through years of experience I've learned that the days in which I *really* don't want to teach, generally turn out to be the best ones (even if they do require a quick nap in the paddock while the student warms up first -- not that I've ever done that of course... *cough*Right N?*cough*) hahaha ok anyways -- the whole bad=good thing has happened consistently enough that my twisted little mind has got to the point that on days when I *really* don't want to teach, I actually start to look forward to it because I figure it'll turn out well. Yeah I told you it was twisted.
On the plus side it always gets me to the barn cause even if I only *kinda* don't want to teach I can convince myself I really don't want to, so I should go cause it'll be good. Unfortunately it doesn't work nearly as effectively for the kinda days. Not sure what that's about. hahaha
But tonight was a really day. And I had *so* much fun it was ridiculous. Of course it's a problem cause now it's 11:00 and I'm WIRED. Up for an hour or two at the gym. Except that I have to be up in 6h and so going to the gym now would be a very bad idea as regards tomorrow's survival.
So lessons were amazing. My beginners rode like pros and their sainted horses only gave them as much as they could handle (one little girl discovered she could handle a fair amount! The others were fairly civilized). Intermediate riders were very successful. One learned the 101 of horse training; another discovered she IS, in-fact, capable of chilling her hot horse out. And the advanced guys got to try some exercises they've never done before to rather amazing results. At some point in there I seem to recall jumping a gymnastic w/o a horse (12 remember?) -- the audience even awarded me first place! hahaha we don't need to mention there was no-one else in my sad little competition. But @ least I wasn't 2nd. One very kind parent gave me her hot-pockets when her daughter's lesson was over, which had me set for the rest of the night. hahaha it's the little things in life eh? I even had students asking me *intelligent* questions!!!! All night! And as anybody who's ridden with me for any length of time has learned, I love it when my students think *g*
Anyways -- I should go get some sleep or tomorrow's lessons will not be nearly so much fun. But I'm on such a high now I just had to share :) Night!
Napping Lauren rules are so much easier to follow: "Do NOT run me over!"
When you're awake you have so many more demands... like you're coaching or something crazy like that ;P
I'm glad it's easier to follow, cause I'd have to say that's arguably the most important rule I've ever implemented. At least from my pov. >;-P
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