So I finally got permission to ride Sienna outside...
Now, Denny wanted me to ride w/ somebody cause of the obvious herd thing -- horse will be calmer w/ another horse. The *idea* is great. The issue, is that we have NO calm horses! hahaha So the BM picked the one likely to be best -- also a chestnut mare (albeit not a tb), also a baby. Maybe 6mths ahead of Si in training. She was already lunging when I got there. Her baby was being *good*. Till my baby joined in. So Sienna sets off the other horse. Then I finally get Si chilled out and the other horse sets her off again. And we continued playing this back and forth game for a while.
Anyways BMs horse eventually chills enough that she can get on. Issue being, once she's on she leaves the "lunging area" (still in the sandring, mind you, just not on the 20m circle anymore), well Si lost it. Which then of course set her horse off... And well you see where this is going :) hahaha but her horse chilled pretty fast and Denny told her to just let her "stand and watch until that one stops being a wingnut." Well I gotta tell ya, the tone of voice coupled w/ that particular word choice, instantly mentally transported me in time and location... Why? Cause he sounded *xactly* like my dad used to when we were kids and one of us was being an idiot :) hahaha so there ya go Dad -- you should've been a horse trainer! *g*
So after much drama, horse is finally deemed to be sensible enough for me to get on ("better 10 mins of lunging than 10 weeks in traction" <-- 19="" :="" a="" about="" adjacent="" aid="181973&l=2b796&id=823765365" album.php="" am="" an="" and="" anyways="" around="" barn="" basically="" be="" because="" before="" behind.="" bounded="" br="" but="" by="" carefully="" caught="" chaos.="" completely="" controlled="" couple="" day="" deemed="" deer="" def="" dogs="" event="" experienced="" extra="" far="" fast.="" field...="" followed="" following="" for="" from="" getting="" good="" grows="" hahaha="" hands="" haven="" her="" herd="" here:="" horse="" hot="" http:="" hunt="" i="" indoor="" it.="" it="" just="" lead="" line="" loses="" much="" not="" now="" of="" outside="" pic="" pics="" quote="" really="" relocate="" rest="" ride="" s="" she="" sigh="" so="" sobeit="" somewhat="" sounds="" spins="" starting="" stupidly="" t="" that="" the="" them="" things="" this="" those="" through="" time="" to="" traumatizing.="" typical="" unclip="" up="" walk="" was="" who="" why="" would="""" yeah="" young="">
But once indoors I got to get on w/o any further lunging, no longlining (which she's really good at for reasons I don't entirely understand), AND we finally got to trot. hahaha now I realize that it's very sad that this was an exciting thing, but baby steps :) Since about the 3rd day when it became very evident just how unbroke she was, I've only been allowed to walk. But she trotted, calmly, both directions AND 20m circles. HUGE progress from the horse who would rather rear than turn right and who really didn't want to go slower than a handgallop.... Or so I keep reminding myself anyways!-->
Please, they are hounds. Not dogs. Sorry to be pedandtic.....
hahaha sorry Chris, my sincerest appologies :) And to the hounds of course, for being mistaken for mere dogs... And, for that matter, to any dogs who were equally offended :)
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