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#TIL - How to do a back handspring

Just like that ;)

Today I learned all the components of a back handspring.   Lol now to put in perspective - I could never do something that even vaguely resembled a back handspring even when I was spring-aged ;).  The closest I ever came was a front walkover or stand to bridge going backwards (I never managed the walkover part going backwards).   And these days - well my bridge is very structurally unsound and I’m legitimately terrified of what would happen if I tried to go into it from anything other than lying on the ground.  I don’t technically *need* to be able to walk to do my job but I kinda enjoy that ability for quality of life ;)

Suffice to say mine does not look like this ;-P

So anyways - did our warmup, then did some exercises about holding a tight core (think two parallel giant rectangular cushions.  Lie across them so ankles on one side and forehead on the other - holding your body straight across the chasm between them.  Then roll.   Front to back and back to front.   Both harder than it seems and somehow also not as hard as it seems.

Then on the handstand wall (where we also did some handstand practice - yeah!) with a cushion not far in front of it.   Facing away from the wall, one foot on the cushion, then arch/reach backwards till you find the wall.  That was supposed to be the easy part.  Suffice to say dear reader, at least for me, it was not ;).  

Once you find the wall (which I should remind is directly behind you πŸ˜‚) then the part that we were supposed to focus on was coming back to standing leading w chest.    Demos that made it clear very quickly how if you lead w your head as instinct might suggest, you will end in a heap on the floor ;).  This part I had zero issue with.   Leaning over backwards till I found the wall (again - we’re talking inches here) - terrifying.  πŸ˜‚ 

We did the pushing off through the shoulder thing in the warmup.  I get the general concept of that one and can do it in slow motion but I have yet to successfully combine it w literally anything else πŸ˜‚.  New skills.  All about the new skills.

Then the coolest part. Hands over head, push off, arch backwards, hold all the things super tight, flip legs over head, and land in plank position.   Nbd right?

Lol the part I’m leaving out is the giant pac-man cushion, hands on coach spotter/extra strength/driver, and ability to do it all one step at a time.

Tell me I'm not the only one who sees PacMan?

So let’s back up a bit.  My coach borrowed one of the two coaches working w the arial class to do a quick demo.   You orient Pac-Man so you’re sitting in the cutout w your feet on the ground.   Push off both feet and reach backwards.  The first time the coach paused the wheel at that point so you’re now in an arch over the open space you were just sitting on moments ago.  She made sure everything was in roughly the right place and key components were tight and then rolled us back to sitting.

I'm betting this kid is the appropriate age to be doing this ;)
Pic stolen from amazon sales ad so considering public domain.

The next time we got to go over.  So. Much. Fun!  My hips being the mess they are suffice to say I landed v crooked and not in a plank the first time πŸ˜‚ πŸ’€.   BUT also not broken, and grinning like a 5yo told they can have ice cream for breakfast.

Got to try once more without the practice run and w a little more power and speed.  This one I stuck.  It still wasn’t straight but it was all kinds of fun.  Still grinning, hours later.

After that played w handstands for a bit while the rest of the class was finishing - I love that it’s not only socially acceptable but actively encouraged to try other things when it’s one of the few one-at-a-time activities.   I should say - “other things” that we’ve already learned and have proven we’re safe with πŸ˜‚.  Which is why I generally stick to handstands and cartwheels.  Or very recently, round offs (but only on the bouncy track!). Managed to stick a handstand for a couple seconds for the first time in a v long time so that was a bonus.

End of the class was somersaults from the trampoline onto some cushions.  I really enjoy this - it’s what they were doing my very first class but I didn’t get a chance to try that day (although I did get to bounce on the trampoline and flop over πŸ˜‚. Which, tbh, is WAY harder!!!).  


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