Here there be dragons...

"I'm telling you stories. Trust me." - Winterson

Caption Contest...

So two or three days this week I got to the barn very tired and inclined to just have a short, easy ride and then go home. Right. Did I mention I own a chestnut ottb mare? Each time my short easy ride was, well, not. Like an hour and a half of actual work. So finally today I get there ready to RIDE, and get on a perfectly quite, calm as could be, school-pony wannabe. Classic eh? On the plus side, it was a decent ride and she jumped reasonably well compared to recent days so was pretty happy about that, but just sheesh. hahaha what can you do but laugh? Theoretically could be at least partially attributed to the "tire-em-out" theory of horse training. hahaha but then, remember the fit tb aspect of this equation -- it'd take a lot more than a few at-home rides to tire her out! This being the same horse that a 25k hack didn't even begin to take the edge off. Posting this picture just cause it made me laugh. Suggestions for captions? So your fun site of the day... you know all those tacky souvenirs you get? Michael Huges shows them in context; some of these are quite impressive


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